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PRINT TIPS: Headers and Footers

Here at Printerbase, we always like to offer helpful tips that will give you a much better all-round printing experience – whether that’s through make the whole process more cost-effective or simply improving performance.

One area that often goes under the radar are some of the features that we regularly use when typing a document, such as the header and footer.

Although they are often helpful and needed for certain documents, more often than not – particularly when it is a less formal document – the header and footer are simply not essential.

Removing them can increase your page’s print area, allowing you to include more relevant content or even just to save on printer toner or print time.

To remove them, all you have to do is go to File > Page Setup or File > Print – then look for the options to turn off headers and footers.

You can do the same in Page Setup, which is often located in the File menu of your software. Choose landscape or portrait and set the margins to the minimum that your specific printer can cope with.

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